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No More Needles, No More Gels

Restore Testosterone Levels with

KYZATREX is a prescription oral testosterone treatment for adult men who have low or no testosterone levels due to certain medical conditions. Be the hero of your life again and ask your doctor if KYZATREX might be right for you.

Learn More Get KYZATREX

KYZATREX is not a gel, injection, pellet, or patch. Just two KYZATREX oral doses a day with food make it easy, neat, painless, and discreet.

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No Administration Pain
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No Mess
No Risk Of Transfer Icon
No Transference Risk

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You Have Choices

Why Men Choose KYZATREX

KYZATREX is a twice-daily oral capsule that’s easy to take and up to 96% effective, helping men like you restore testosterone to normal levels.1,2*

Take a Closer Look

Curious About Low T?

Millions of men experience low testosterone.3 Don’t ignore the symptoms. Take action for your health and be the hero of your life again.

*In a six-month clinical trial of 139 men with low testosterone, 88% of patients had normal testosterone levels at Day 90 (worst-case scenario calculation, excluding Site 104). Based on patients who completed the study (n=127), 96% of patients achieved normal testosterone levels at Day 90.

How to Talk to Your Doctor About Low Testosterone

Speak Up About Low T

Fatigue, low sex drive, loss of muscle mass, weight gain… do these symptoms sound familiar? Speak up! Low T is more common than you might think, and talking to your doctor is the first step toward regaining control of your health.

KYZATREX Patient Testimonials

“I have experienced a jumpstart in health which I attribute to KYZATREX; I have recently taken my health into my own hands after my labs reflected low testosterone. I have been on KYZATREX for more than 4 months now and my testosterone levels are back to normal. My life has changed for the better. I really do attribute this jumpstart in health to KYZATREX.”

Bryan N, 56

Real Patient Taking KYZATREX

“For years I used testosterone injections but wanted to switch to an oral TRT. My doctor recommended KYZATREX due to its tolerability and side effect profile and I’ve now been on KYZATREX for 8 months. My testosterone levels are about 700 ng/dL and I feel just as good, if not better, on KYZATREX than I did on injections.”

Brian R, 47

Real Patient Taking KYZATREX

“When I first discovered I had Low T, I went with pellet therapy. While pellets seemed fine at first, they eventually became too much of a hassle – the painful implant process, scar tissue buildup and activity restrictions just weren’t for me, especially when the effects started wearing off before the next dose. As soon as I heard there was an oral option, that’s when I switched to KYZATREX. I love the convenience of the capsules, and my testosterone levels are in the normal range! It’s made a real difference in how I feel.”

David W. 

Real Patient Taking KYZATREX

KYZATREX Bottles Transparent

Take the First Step Today


Start taking control of your testosterone levels. Discover the difference KYZATREX can make in managing Low T.

Not Sure If You Have Low Testosterone?

Take our testosterone screening quiz to see if testosterone treatment is right for you.

Take the Quiz

Low Testosterone Therapy

Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Testosterone replacement therapy is a treatment to replace the testosterone you’ve lost, and get your T-levels back to a normal range. TRT has traditionally consisted of testosterone patches, gels, pellets, and injections. KYZATREX is here to change that.

Dosing and Administration Characteristics of Different TRTs

Which TRT would you take?

KYZATREX® Clinical Data

In a 6-month open-label clinical study involving 139 men with low testosterone, KYZATREX demonstrated the following at Day 90:

Key Efficacy Outcomes

Up to 96%

Effectiveness in Normalizing Testosterone Levels1,2


Increase in Mean Free Testosterone Levels2


Decrease in Mean SHBG Levels2

*In a six-month clinical trial of 139 men with low testosterone, 88% of patients had normal testosterone levels at Day 90 (worst-case scenario calculation, excluding Site 104). Based on patients who completed the study (n=127), 96% of patients achieved normal testosterone levels at Day 90.


1.  KYZATREX [prescribing information]. Raleigh, NC: Marius Pharmaceuticals; 2022.
2. Data on file. Raleigh, NC: Marius Pharmaceuticals, 2020.
3. Endocrine Society.”Hypogonadism in Men | Endocrine Society.”, Endocrine Society, 31 January 2024, Accessed 2 Feb. 2024.

Important Safety Information for KYZATREX (testosterone undecanoate)
KYZATREX can increase blood pressure, which can increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke and can increase risk of death due to a heart attack or stroke.
Your risk may be greater if you have already had a heart attack or stroke or if you have other risk factors for heart attack or stroke.


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You can also continue to the Prescriber site now to learn more about KYZATREX and becoming a prescriber.