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Simplifying Testosterone Treatment

Be the Hero of Your Life Again

KYZATREX is an oral testosterone treatment designed to fit effortlessly into your lifestyle.

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Simplifying Testosterone Treatment

Be the Hero of Your Life Again

KYZATREX is an oral testosterone treatment designed to fit effortlessly into your lifestyle.

Learn More Get KYZATREX
KYZATREX Easy to Take Card
KYZATREX 96% Effective Card
KYZATREX Safe for Your Liver Card

*In a six-month clinical trial of 139 men with low testosterone, 88% of patients had normal testosterone levels at Day 90 (worst-case scenario calculation, excluding Site 104). Based on patients who completed the study (n=127), 96% of patients achieved normal testosterone levels at Day 90.

No Injection Icon
No Injection Pain
No Mess Icon
No Mess
No Transference Risk Icon
No Transference Risk

Become a Better Version of You

Proven to Boost Testosterone

At Day 90 in a six-month clinical study of 139 men with low testosterone, patients experienced:

Up Arrow Icon Smaller

2x Increase in Mean Free Testosterone Levels2

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30% Decrease in Mean SHBG* Levels2

*Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG) binds to testosterone and decreases free testosterone levels. The less SHBG you have, the higher your free testosterone levels will be.3

Patient Reported Outcomes

In a clinical study, KYZATREX patients (n=214) reported the following improvements as a result of improved testosterone levels (compared to baseline):2

Exploratory endpoints from Study MRS-TU-2019; Different dosing scheme than MRS-TU-2019EXT.
Results may not be clinically significant.

Psychosexual Daily Questionnaire (PDQ)
  • Overall Level of Sexual Desire
  • Positive Mood
  • Sexual Activity Score
  • Erection Grade
  • Erection Duration
Short Form Health Survey (SF-36)
  • Fatigue
  • Energy
  • General Health
  • Social Functioning
International Index of Erectile Function (IIEF)
  • Erectile Function
  • Intercourse Satisfaction
  • Orgasmic Function

KYZATREX Patient Testimonials

“I have experienced a jumpstart in health which I attribute to KYZATREX; I have recently taken my health into my own hands after my labs reflected low testosterone. I have been on KYZATREX for more than 4 months now and my testosterone levels are back to normal. My life has changed for the better. I really do attribute this jumpstart in health to KYZATREX.”

Bryan N, 56

Real Patient Taking KYZATREX

“For years I used testosterone injections but wanted to switch to an oral TRT. My doctor recommended KYZATREX due to its tolerability and side effect profile and I’ve now been on KYZATREX for 8 months. My testosterone levels are about 700 ng/dL and I feel just as good, if not better, on KYZATREX than I did on injections.”

Brian R, 47

Real Patient Taking KYZATREX

“When I first discovered I had Low T, I went with pellet therapy. While pellets seemed fine at first, they eventually became too much of a hassle – the painful implant process, scar tissue buildup and activity restrictions just weren’t for me, especially when the effects started wearing off before the next dose. As soon as I heard there was an oral option, that’s when I switched to KYZATREX. I love the convenience of the capsules, and my testosterone levels are in the normal range! It’s made a real difference in how I feel.”

David W. 

Real Patient Taking KYZATREX

“KYZATREX is the medication that has worked for me, providing relief for my Klinefelter’s Syndrome.”

William K, 37

Real Patient Taking KYZATREX

Take the First Step Today


Start taking control of your testosterone levels. Discover the difference KYZATREX can make in managing Low T.

Easy to Take

Daily Oral Dosing

Testosterone-boosting benefits in two tiny capsules taken twice daily
KYZATREX is not a gel, injection, pellet, or patch. Just take two KYZATREX oral capsules twice daily with food to help restore testosterone to normal levels and keep it there.

The best part? You don’t need to change your diet or eating habits to accommodate this treatment. It’s designed to fit seamlessly into your daily routine.

Flexible Dosing

Different Doses for Different Dudes

Your KYZATREX dose is tailored to your unique needs, with adjustable dosages to find the right balance for you.

Demonstrated Safety

Most Common Side Effects3

In a clinical study of 155 patients, the most common adverse event was high blood pressure (observed in 2.6% of patients taking KYZATREX).

Your healthcare provider will monitor your blood pressure while you are being treated with KYZATREX. If your blood pressure increases, you may need to start medication to control your blood pressure.

For additional risk information, please see the Important Safety Information, including boxed warning below.

Man Viewing KYZATREX Bottle


  1. KYZATREX [prescribing information]. Raleigh, NC: Marius Pharmaceuticals; 2022.
  2. Data on file. Raleigh, NC: Marius Pharmaceuticals, 2020.
  3. Krakowsky Y, Grober E. Testosterone deficiency – Establishing a Biochemical Diagnosis. EJIFCC. 2015 Mar; 26(2): 105–113.PMID: 27683486; PMCID: PMC4975356.

Important Safety Information for KYZATREX (testosterone undecanoate)
KYZATREX can increase blood pressure, which can increase the risk of having a heart attack or stroke and can increase risk of death due to a heart attack or stroke.
Your risk may be greater if you have already had a heart attack or stroke or if you have other risk factors for heart attack or stroke.


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